Action Required: Confirm your PTO website user data by 9/2 @ 6pm


The Brayton PTO, along with most other schools in the district, uses Membership Toolkit (MTK) as our online portal for family directory, e-mail communications, dues, after school enrichment signups, and more. We are finalizing the database for the new student population, and will be opening the directory in just a few days. Now is the time for you to login, check your family information, and confirm your privacy settings.


All of our family data this year has been imported from Genesis. If you updated any contact information in Genesis over the past year, this is what you'll now find in MTK.  We ask that everyone please:


 - log in and confirm your data is current and accurate

 - choose what info you'd like others to see


On Monday night 9/2/2024 at 6pm we will turn on directory access, so please confirm your data and choose your privacy settings before then.  While you can update your information at any time, now is the time to set your privacy options to hide any contact information you don't want seen by other families.


For more directions and information please read the email that went out on Fri 8/30 linked here.