Room Parent Volunteers


Being a Room Parent is a fun way to get involved at Brayton! The PTO, the children, and our school rely on Room Parents to help make it a great year. It is also a wonderful opportunity to help parents of your child’s classroom get to know each other and build a stronger Brayton community.


We hope you will consider volunteering your time to your child’s class.  We would like to have 2 Room Parents for each class.


As a Room Parent you will:

  • Be a resource for parents, including providing district, Brayton, and PTO updates to class parents
  • Be a resource for teachers, including collection of classroom materials (tissues, wipes, etc.) as needed, coordinating class activities and parties
Key responsibilities (may be subject to change):
  • Attend a Room Parent Meeting in September
  • Briefly speak to your class about the PTO and the upcoming year during Back-to-School Night
  • Help organize the Fall Parent Social for your grade*
  • Assist with dismissal the day of the Halloween Parade
  • 4th grade Room Parents will be asked to help with 5th grade recognition
  • 5th grade Room Parents will collaborate with the 5th grade coordinators and will be asked to help chair, organize and participate in additional events (fundraisers, end of year graduation festivities, etc.)
*Note: Room Parents are not required to host the Fall Parent Social, but may be asked to assist the host parent


What should I do if I am interested in being a room parent?
If you are interested in becoming a room parent, please complete the form located in My Account under "Information Forms" when it is available for sign up. 


How are Room Parents Chosen?
The 1st VP selects the Room Parents.


How will I know if I have been selected to be a room parent?
Selected Room Parents will be notified via email on or around the first day of school