Fall Fest

One of Brayton’s most cherished fundraising traditions. Help plan, organize, and execute a night of games, DJ fun and prizes that includes the wonderful class basket raffles. This event is held on a Saturday afternoon in October.


Fall Fest Chairpersons Responsibilities:

  • Set up for the night of the event (tables, paper and plastic table covers, chairs, etc)
  • Organize games, DJ and bake sale
  • Coordinate with the district’s A/V person for microphone and speakers in gym
  • Track and manage RSVPs and pizza order
  • Turn in money from pizza order to treasurer
  • Coordinate with 5th grade parent in charge of pizza order
  • Oversee clean up

Fall Fest Basket Chairpersons responsibilities:

  • Cross reference previous years’ “best-sellers” to help guide basket ideas for current year and maximize fundraising potential
  • Assign specific responsibilities to committee members, typically involving assigning businesses to solicit for donations
  • Using the PTO provided budget, purchase items for the basket raffles and create/wrap the baskets
  • Organize and execute selling of raffle tickets before and during event
  • Produce and distribute the hard copy basket description packets sent home with each student prior to the event
  • Manage email marketing of the Amazon Wish List for donations and other aspects of the event for the e-blast and weekly “News and Events” email
  • Help select basket winners (in conjunction with Brayton’s Principal)

Committee responsibilities:

  • Shop for assigned basket items
  • Assist co-chairs in obtaining extra donated baskets from Brayton families and local establishments
  • Assemble and drop off basket at co-chairs homes and/or attend a basket wrapping party
  • Assist co-chairs (and custodians) in set-up (that day) and clean-up (that evening) of basket tables at Fall Fest
  • Recruit volunteers to cover ticket sales in advance of the event and the night of the event
  • Following Fall Fest, arrange for the adding up of raffle tickets for each basket to determine which are the top money-makers for subsequent years.