Brayton's Got Talent

This is an opportunity for our children to perform on stage in their own unique way. 5th graders act as emcees for an entertaining evening of group or individual acts by students of all grades.  No auditions for acts are needed.  Help is needed to produce the show, coordinate the acts, run the sound system, organize the hand out of tickets and t-shirts, and help make the evening an overall success!

Chairpersons responsibilities:

  • Selecting Crew and running auditions for the 5th grade emcees roles
  • Writing script and directing and rehearsing with the emcees (during school hours)
  • Managing the Acts (Excel Spreadsheets) and coordinating with lead parents in charge of acts
  • Managing and coordinating crew and stage production
  • Designing and producing marketing materials, show program, tickets and t-shirts
  • Coordinating with Fifth Grade Finale Chairs
  • Directing 3-4 after school stage rehearsals and the dress rehearsal
  • Form a team of parent volunteers and manage their efforts
  • Solicit additional volunteers for the day of dress rehearsal and night of show

Committee Responsibilities:

  • Manage parent volunteer and student communication
  • Coordinate order of acts and ensure overall quality control
  • Manage emcees (selection, rehearsals, and stage management night of the show)
  • Manage crew and props at dress rehearsal and night of show
  • Manage publicity and coordinate photos of event
  • Coordinate collection of music and run music for dress rehearsal and night of show
  • Run lighting and effects for dress rehearsal and night of show
  • Coordinate pre-show ticket distribution
  • Coordinate t-shirt order and distribution