Book Fair

A committee responsible for holding book fairs once or twice a year, to give students opportunities during school to visit and purchase from a wonderful reading selection as well as to donate to Teachers Wish Lists. All proceeds from the book fairs go to the PTO.  The Book Fair is held in February. 


Chair 1 responsibilities:

  • Work with Scholastic to schedule book fair dates and coordinate set up and pick up
  • Work with office to ensure that all students have access to books regardless of financial ability
  • Responsible for collecting cash boxes and submitting to the Treasurer
  • Submit invoice to the Treasurer to be paid to Scholastic

Chair 2 responsibilities:

  • Responsible for website and Weekly Bulletin notices about the book fair
  • Confirm class visitation times with the office
  • Put up book fair posters around the school
  • Notify and distribute Teachers Wish Lists forms

Chair 3 responsibilities:

  • Ask for volunteers and assign shifts
  • Teach volunteers to check out books on the computer, restock etc.