Art in the Classroom Chairs

Art in the Classroom is a PTO sponsored program that offers a way for parents to get into the classroom and spend quality time with their child. The Chairs of Art in the Classroom are responsible for organizing the volunteers, sending a monthly reminder e-mail to the volunteers and maintaining the Art Closet throughout the year.


Co- Chair responsibilities:

  • Stock and maintain the AITC art closet. General inventory is conducted late August/ Early September.
    Inventory includes checking the artist folders (lesson plans) to make sure that everything is in order and ready to go for the docent (parent volunteer).
  • Attend Room Parent Meeting and ask parents to mention AITC.
  • Hold an informational meeting for the docents at the end of September.
  • Maintain volunteer list on Sign Up Genius and send monthly reminder e-mails to the volunteers.
    Maintain sign in/sign out sheets in art closet.
  • Submit expenses to Treasurer for materials purchased or any other expenditures (replacement of posters/books).
  • Support volunteers when needed.
  • Review docent feedback forms.