After School Enrichment

This committee is responsible for coordinating the After School Enrichment Program at Brayton.  This program provides students of all grade levels with opportunities to explore new interests, activities, hobbies and sports after school at Brayton for 4 weeks in February. One hour classes are taught by teachers, parents, and some outside professionals.  The program aims to provide a diversity of class offerings to appeal to all grade levels.  Fees are kept low.  Planning begins early October and runs though March.


Chairpersons (3 people) responsibilities:

  • set calendar
  • research and develop class offerings
  • recruit teachers, parents, and vendors to be instructors
  • design, write, and produce brochure and registration packet for distribution
  • register students, collect payments, and organize classroom use
  • maintain communication with instructors, parents, and students throughout program
  • manage vendor contracts, instructor payroll, expense accounting and reimbursement through the PTO treasurer
  • keep track of students though entire process

Committee responsibilities:

  • Help brainstorm and research class offerings
  • Assist with contact with teachers
  • Help out at the school while the program runs/help keep track of students
  • Organize parent volunteers that help with classes and dismissal