Join/Donate to the PTO


Where does my PTO contribution go?



What is the PTO?

The Brayton Parent Teacher Organization (PTO) is a diverse group of parents, guardians, teachers and administrators dedicated to our children’s well being. The PTO supports the creation of an environment where each of our children can reach his or her individual potential.


What does the Brayton PTO do?

The Brayton PTO starts its engines before Labor Day with the New Parent Coffee, follows with the Popsicle Party on the first day of school, and never slows down. It offers PTO meetings and speakers. It supports and provides a huge variety of activities, enrichment, and opportunities for all of Brayton’s children and for their parents, too. The PTO contributes to the wonderful experience unique to Brayton School.


Why does the PTO need me?

The PTO needs your membership dues, your time, and your talent to meet its goals and maintain its programs. The easiest and most basic way to support the PTO is to become a member by making a donation. Any additional funds you donate above the dues will directly benefit your children and their Brayton experience. We do our best to make the most of each dollar we are given, and greatly appreciate your donations beyond the basic dues and/or volunteering your time and talents to our activities.


Enrichment and Activities Provided by the PTO

  • SOCIAL: International Night, In-House Field Day, Grade-Level Parent Socials, Open House, 5th Grade End-of-Year Activities

  • SERVICE: Hospitality, New Family Connection, Green Team, House and Grounds, Learning Garden, Parent Tutors, Library Volunteers, First Grade Orientation, Directory

  • ENRICHMENT: School Musical, Art in the Classroom, Variety Show, After School Enrichment

  • TRAVELING CULTURAL ARTS GROUPS: Musical Performances, Theatrical Productions, Author Visits, Science Enrichment, History Programs, Writing Workshops

  • FUNDRAISERS: Fall Fest, Harlem Wizards, Book Fair

How can I help?

There is a multitude of ways to help the PTO enrich the lives of our kids. Volunteer to chair one of our 30+ committees. Become a member of a committee. Donate funds to the PTO. Check out the Brayton PTO Website for more information on our activities and how you can help!


How do I join the Brayton PTO?

Please join online using the form below. It is helpful to join the PTO in the first week of school but you can join the PTO at any time during the school year.





Please click below to join the PTO for the 2024-25 school year.


Join the PTO