Fifth Grade Coordinators

Fifth Graders participate in a variety of special activities and fundraisers throughout their last year at Brayton.  The 5th Grade Coordinators ensure that each event has chairpeople (Coordinators chair one event and “distribute” the rest of the events among the class parents), coordinate details for events that don’t need chairs (ie. organize parent drivers for trips) and manage the flow of 5th-grade-specific information to parents.  The Coordinators work in conjunction with the main office and with the 5th-grade teacher rep. The Coordinators are not room parents.
Besides the work involved in chairing one of the 5th-grade specific events (Parent Social, Bingo Night Pizza/Bake Sale, Fall Fest Musical Cakes, Kickball Party, Recognition) the 5th Grade Coordinator job is not time-intensive.  It mainly consists of organizing room parent roles at the beginning of the year and ensuring that grade-level parents are kept up-to-date with events info.
The Hospitality Binder and the DropBox 5th Grade Coordinator file contains everything you need for the role, including sample info emails sent to parents and event-specific details to pass to chairs.

Monthly Responsibilities:


  • Run the 5th-grade room parent meeting immediately following the general room parent meeting in the first few weeks of school.
  • Choose which event you want to chair.
  • Distribute other events among room parents.
  • Send out info letter to all 5th-grade parents detailing all the special 5th-grade events/activities throughout the year.


  • Fall Fest Hospitality (Pizza and Bake Sale) and Musical Cakes
  • If not chairing, help out at the event.


  • Middle School Tour takes place around now.
  • Usually no responsibility unless it rains and you need to coordinate drivers.


  • Kickball Party (if not chairing, help out at event)
  • Safety Patrol Movie (this is organized by the teachers….you coordinate drivers.)
  • Help coordinate the selection of the 5th-grade gift to the school.
  • Fifth Grade Fiesta (this is district-run…you just need to coordinate drivers to pool.)
  • 5th Grade Recognition (if not chairing, help out if possible. Usually 4th-grade parents distribute the refreshments afterward.)